Hängeleuchte aus Glas mit Wabenstruktur, zwei Farben
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Hängeleuchte aus Glas mit Wabenstruktur, zwei Farben
Price for your selection:
Delivery lead time: 2 to 3 weeks
About the manufacturer
For a long time, we have been looking for a European supplier who offers affordable, high-quality mid-century design luminaires: our search has come to an end at Itar. Under Dutch leadership and quality control, these luminaires have been manufactured in the Far East since the early 1990s. In addition to the scissor and accordion luminaires, which have been convincing in terms of function and appearance, we are offering an expanded range of modern design luminaires made of steel, artificial stone, wood and bamboo, industrial lighting as well as jointed lights, cage lamps and minimalistic wall and hanging lamps.